Sunday, December 11, 2016


Hi my dear family and friends,
It is so hard to come up with one thing to be thankful for today so here is my list.. Please feel free to add your own.. Merry Christmas dear hearts of mine, Kimmee
I am thankful for freedom.. Even though some of us get weird looks when we go out, we can dress how we want, have our hair the color we want, and we can speak our minds without being drawn and quartered. Many men and women have died for us to have that right. Today is Pearl Harbor Day.. God Bless all of those who serve and all of those that lost their lives that day.
I am thankful for Teachers. If it weren't for schooling, I would not have met the most wonderful teacher in the world, Miss Stella Walker. She taught me so many things about how to treat others and she gave me a sense of self in the kindest way possible. We are blessed to have selfless souls still willing to teach our children in this day and age, because it is a thankless, dangerous task at times. God Bless the Teachers and Educators who still care...
I am thankful for food and water.. We sometimes forget in this country that food and water are a given, most of the time. Unless we are homeless, hungry, or cold, we tend to forget just what a blessing it is to have a plate of food in front of us, anytime we choose.
I went through a really rough period a few times in the past 11 years and at times, I was hungry. Every Time, God sent an Angel to feed me and give me all the things I needed. I am so thankful for the people that helped me get by, when I needed it most.. God bless all those Angels lurking behind the scenes to bring joy where it is most needed.. If you know someone in need, take them a meal or donate a toy and become an Angel for someone else.
I am incredibly thankful for my children. I would not have made it through my life without them. I was blessed with 3 very different, amazing children and now have two wonderful grandchildren. They are my heart and spirit each day.
They care for me, make me laugh, help me to remember things that I may have placed aside, and they give me hope for tomorrow.
God bless all of the people in my life that show caring and love every day. It is harder to be positive than it is to be negative. I consciously make a choice to try and share a smile each day. I fail miserably sometimes, but the reward is in the effort.
Much love to you all. May your lives be blessed as mine has been by having you all in it.... Love, Kimmee

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