Saturday, August 10, 2024

Hard Working Parents

 Good morning dear friends. I saw a video this morning where an old man was plowing a field with a mule and plow. 

It took me back to all those times I saw Daddy in the field,  with a rented mule, trying to grow enough food to feed us all. 

We never realize, at the time, all the sacrifices that good parents make for their children.

It was hard, back breaking work,  but I never heard a word of complaint from him. His reward was that he got to do it again the next day. He was providing. 

Now, it seems like all we hear are complaints. 

I wish, for a moment, that all of us could just be thankful for all that we have. 

As the light is breaking day here and the birds are singing in the dark. Let's all be thankful for life and for opportunities that many pray for. 

I'm loving on y'all this morning and hoping that you had a parent willing to sacrifice, so that you could thrive, like I did. 

It may seem hard right now and you may not think you can make it. I'm telling you that you can. Just keep driving and you will arrive. 

I truly love you. Always, kimmee.

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