Saturday, August 10, 2024

Facebook Jail Day Two

 First time I've been put in lockdown in my life 

But facebook has it in for me, much to my strife 

They said you can't say that, so they took a lil bite

 I said whatever happened to my First Amendment right 

That only matters when you're saying what we think or want 

If it's of your own opinion, maybe it's better if you don't 

I still hear the Constitution swirling in my brain 

Over and over that familiar refrain 

Why can some people say what they want every day 

When I tried that, they threw me away 

They don't want to hear that I disagree with them 

I have a different candidate, and it's not a whim

I value democracy and would never see it end 

Yet that's what all the talk is, a change in the land 

Lil red robes for all to wear to match that red hat 

We'll be so matchy matchy that my gay friends will challenge that 

Off will come the red robe and heels of black 

That matches a candidates heart, such a sad sack 

I will not be silenced in this land that I love 

The home of the free and when push comes to shove 

I will state my case as best I can 

Forever resist people. Don't give into the man 

We marched in the 60s, and we can do it again This is not the time to back down or refrain 

Let them hear your voice if you want freedom to ring 

If I'm not allowed to talk, then let them hear me sing 

Don't let the man silence the rights that we keep 

Hard fought by our veterans, from sea to shining sea 

We can't let them win and change all life as we know it 

I used to like red, but now it feels like a black pit 

I'm still going to fight no matter what they say 

It's alright for the other guy, and at the end of the day 

I'd rather go speaking my truth and have the man come for me 

Then sit in my closed room with the curtains drawn to flee 

Be brave, my dear friends, and resist the lies they tell 

Cover your nose to stave off the bad smell 

I hope to be back one moment in time

 I missed the deadline for my prime 

I'm old,I know it, but I still have value 

Maybe before I'm gone for good, a new day will come true

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