Monday, September 16, 2024

Chesapeake Bay Beach

 ***WARNING long****

Good morning dear friends.

There are a lot of pictures to see today and this was not all of them that my daughter and I took. It was a glorious day going to the Chesapeake bay beach area. It was the one thing my daughter wanted to do and we did not know what kind of walk this was going to be for me but I made it. 

It was extraordinarily beautiful and I hope that you all get to go along with us. I love you all so much and take you with me in my heart everywhere we go. 

(I have to recount a couple of things that happened. We passed several people on the 1.2 mile hike and when one of them saw me sitting on the beach on my Walker, she said to me," you made it" and I said "yes, I did."

Another group saw an elderly woman sitting on a Walker as the tide came in, all alone as everyone else had gone to the point and they seemed concerned for me like they were worried I was there to end it all. 

But I wasn't there to look on what this year has been or to look back in any way. They only way that I made that walk, cause the trail was impossible, was by stepping one foot in front of the other. My daughter asked on the way back, " do you want to stop and rest?" and I replied" no,if I do I won't be able to keep going". That is what we have to do. No matter what challenges we may have especially now, we have to keep stepping forward and not looking back, so that we make it. It was a huge struggle for me yesterday and I would not have made that trek without Wendi and Casey, (Jenny's niece) helping me. Wendi carried my Walker and Casey helped shove me up the dunes by holding my back and giving me the power to go up them and to walk in that sifting sand. )

I love you all more than I can say. I will be continuing my recovery today but I can say, I made it. Just as that one lady said to me on the beach. I made it and you all will make it and we will do that together. I carry you all in my heart. Always, kimme

Bags Of Gold from Norma Dibbell

 I just finished making one of my oldest daughters favorite dishes that came from her Grandma Norma Dibbell. I am sure that they are not as good as Mom's but Wendi loves them. They are called Bags of Gold and are cheese filled dumplings with tomato and onion sauce. Yummynumminess.. Wendi Downs is going to be happy when she sees this:-) Thanks Mom for all the amazing food..

The People That Loved Me As A Child.

 I wish that those on TV and those in office would really listen to this message. What a beautiful human being he was and we all need to do better. I am so glad that Youtube led me to Mr Rogers this morning. 

He was a blessing for my heart this morning as I tried to think of those that truly loved me and encouraged me to become and I can fit them on one hand growing up. They don't even fill one hand for me. 

My dear Grandma Peacock who died when I was 7 and treated me as if I mattered to her. She always had time for me and made me feel special. Whether is was washing clothes and letting me help or bringing me a glass of ice tea in pretty glasses on the front porch with the first cookies she had baked. What a special Grandma she was. 

My Daddy after he stopped drinking. He always told me I was smart and he wanted me to go to college so badly. He did not live to see that happen but it did happen and his voice was in my head as I walked across the stage to be Valedictorian of my Nursing Class. I immediately went into RN school and 1 1/2 years later, my life long dream to be a RN was done. 

My Sister Donna. We were like two peas in a pod growing up. More like twins than sisters. Some people even thought we were until she outgrew me when she was 12. She and I were always together. If I went somewhere, she came with me until I had my first date at age 15 and she stayed at home. It didn't feel right being without her but I was growing up and when I got married 2 years later, It was so hard for me to leave her behind. I understood then what it meant when my older sister had to leave me when I was 7. 

My 6th Grade teacher Ms. Walker. Lordy what a wonderful woman she was. Tall with white hair piled on top of her head and a smile that would melt butter on day old bread. She was a beautiful human being, just like Fred Rogers was. She nurtured every child that she met and made all of us better human beings by her example. 

I pray that there are still Grandma's, Daddy's, Sisters and Teachers that build our self esteem and make us feel like we can do anything.  

I love you and pray that your day is blessed like mine is this morning. Always, Kimmee

 ( Last photo is Jay Elementary and High school in the 60's where I went growing up)

Honoring My Brother Ernest Lee Peacock

 I am honoring my brother this TBT. He is gone now for a few years but he left an indelible dent on my spirit. I wrote this for him when he passed. 

 So many memories of our childhood have found their way to my consciousness. He was 3 years older than me and taught me so many things, like how to make biscuits, how to do the perfect swan dive, (which I could never perfect) , how to ride a bike, then later a motorcycle.

 It is ironic that he loved motorcycles so, and that was what began his demise. I remember when he had his accident and was in a coma for three months, his body broken, his mind gone. My sister and I alternated nights at the hospital so that he would not be alone, if he woke up. He said his first words to me when he came out of the coma. George Wallace was making a run for the presidency and I looked at Ernest and said, "Do you think George Wallace will ever be president?" and he said his first word.. "No".. I repeated the question and he answered again. I ran to get the nurses, as we did not know if he would ever come out of the coma, but he did.

 He over came so much. He was dead on the side of the road when they found him, and the EMT revived him. I am ashamed to say that I have asked God why many times, when his life seemed such a struggle, and then it became clear to me a few days ago.

 My brother was a gift to the world.

In the 37 years since he had his accident, I never saw him any other way than with a smile on his face. When they cut off first one leg and then the other developed problems, he kept smiling. When he would be sick, he would reassure us that he would be alright. We should have been reassuring him that he would be alright. When he got the first bed sore and had to go to the hospital, he did not complain of pain, he was laughing. When he had to go back for another, he still smiled.

 How can one smile through adversity like that. I think he had to know that to complain would do no good. It would not change his circumstance. He would wake up the next day to the exact same day with the only control that he had, himself, and the way he impacted the world.

 I want to remember the strength that my brother showed the next time I think I am going to complain about my circumstances which mean nothing in the big picture.

 So today, one of gods angels is laid to rest and I cry , but with tears of joy that I knew him and loved him.. Fly away, big brother, be a whole man again, in mind and body, and know that you touched my life in a way that I will never forget... Thank you for being my brother and for letting me be your little sister... Love, Kimmee 

ps.. Just in case you all think he was a saint, this is the same brother that used to stack truck tires around me so that I could not get out for I know that he needed to do this when I would get in his hair. 

He also taught me to make biscuits but I realized later that it was so that he would no longer have to get up at 4 am to make them for Daddy. That fell to me at the age of 8. I laugh at all the memories now and am so thankful to have them:-)

Butterfly Quilt Made By My Cousin Pamela Poole

 I just received this amazing Butterfly quilt from my beautiful Morris Cousin, Pamela as a Thanksgiving Day surprise. I can't believe how beautiful this quilt is and that fabric couldn't be anymore perfect for me. I feel so blessed and overwhelmed by the love that  you all have for me. God bless you.Pamela and all of the wonderful family and friends that bless my life. I have so much to be thankful for. My heart is so full. Thank you my dear cousin..