I walked outside this morning to feel the fresh air on a Sunday and attend my church. The birds were singing like a choir and I looked for my lesson, because there is always one if you open your eyes.
I saw this jumble of leaves, dried sticks, Spanish Moss, debris from the winter's yard, but when I looked closely I saw this beautiful lil flower perched on a blade of grass.
It still makes my heart jump when you see something so lovely, coming out of something so ugly.
That is our challenge everyday. To find the lovely, in the ugly.
We have a lot of ugly in our lives if you believe the news or the TV or what people tell you, but I am here to tell you that there are just as many or more instances of Lovely, if we look and listen.
The bird song this morning was lovely. The tiny new buds on the trees letting us know that Spring has sprung and new life has started, was lovely.
When we have new life we have everything and that is the best kind of lovely.
Today is my favorite day. The memories of Daddy and my sisters and brothers swimming. The silence as buses are quieted, people are off work and children are sleeping in.
I am so thankful for the lovely in my life.
Illness is ugly. Pain is ugly, Pills are ugly. But my family and friends are lovely. They counterbalance all that ugly with the best possible parts of Lovely and I am grateful.
I pray that each of you find the lovely in your lives today. I love each and every one of you so much, Kimmee