I've been wondering how Benjamin Franklin and I are kin ever since my DNA was done a few years ago and today with the new app that ancestry calls "We're Related" , I found out.
I am over joyed to know the how of it.
It is through my paternal Peacock/ Pearson line and we are 5th cousins 7 x removed....
Call me tickled!!!
I have known for sometime through my DNA but I did not know how, until today.. This is the lineage.. Benjamin Franklin 5th cousin 7 x removed through the Peacock/Pearson lines
Gloria Peacock Kimmel
Elmore Lee Peacock
Lucious LeeRoy Peacock
James Hardy Peacock
Levi Peacock Jr
Jemima Pearson.. Mother of Levi Jr
Jonathan Pearson
Peter Pearson
Christopher Pearson
Elizabeth Wilson ... Mother of Christopher Pearson
Peter Wilson
Anne Sherman.. Mother of Peter Wilson
Susan Renee Lawrence.. Mother of Anne Sherman
John Lawrence... common Ancestor of myself and Benjamin Franklin.. John Lawrence is my 12th great Grandfather and he is Benjamin Franklin's 5th Great Grandfather. I already had him in my tree. I just did not realize that this was the connection I was seeking.. So thankful to know how..