Saturday, August 10, 2024

Facebook Jail Day One

 Hello dear friends. I'm trying to see if I'm out of jail. I wrote a poem for each day I was away.  I love you. Always, kimmee

Here's day one. 

I've been put in the time out corner

They say it's spam. I say misnomer

I can't like or love my dear friends post. 

I hope you all know that I love you the most

The jail isn't bad. I have coffee and a donut close

Trying to keep my spirits up and not be morose 

There's a new movie here that's seems pretty good

I guess Facebook doesn't like it when they saw where I stood 

Just trying to have a voice on the days ahead

Guess I'll spend my time now resting in bed

I had 3 immunizations today. My arms are sore

Please God, I don't want anymore

I can't be that yes man,  watching things crumble

They keep me away long, I may have to rumble

Keep your hands inside folks.Gonna be quite a ride

It's not really too bad thinking as I sit inside. 

They can't keep me forever.  My resolve is strong

I still don't think that I did anything wrong. 

Isn't that what everyone says when they're thrown in jail 

I'll see you when I see you, look for some mail. 

Be bold. Be brave. Stand tall when they call

We'll let them know quickly they won't make us fall

I love you dear friends and I mean every one 

I'll see you soon in the setting sun

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