Friday, August 23, 2024

Swimming at Munson

 Hi sweet friends, 

 It is Sunday, the day that I love best. It is not because it is a Church day, although that is a good way to spend some time if you like, but because this is the day that Daddy would take us swimming. 

It would be either Morris creek or Munson Dam for us. The Munson trip was a longer one and we loved it when that was the choice. We sat in the bed of daddy's old pick up truck, with our hair flying in the wind. We stood up and hung on to the small lip at the top of the cab of the truck. We did not have any fear and every one else was doing it too. I cringe at that today when I think of my kids doing the same thing, but back then, people did things that were dangerous. Sometimes people got hurt and sometimes they didn't. We were lucky that we never had an accident. 

Part of that was likely cause Daddy never drove faster than 30 or 35 miles an hour. It took a long time to get to Munson, but we did not mind. When you drive slow, you get to see things that you might miss otherwise. We never stopped at McCranies store on the way there, but we always stopped on the way back for our Pepsi and peanuts. I still have it today and it is almost as good as it was back then. 

Munson was an amazing place to swim. It had lots of space to lose your parents and it had lots of "candy" for a girl like me, isolated at home most of the time. There were people from all walks of life. I will never forget the Sailors from other ports with their dark tans and way of speaking that I had never heard. One of them spoke to me once and I asked him where he was from and he answered, " Phillipines". He asked me out but I knew Daddy would not approve so I arranged to meet him outside church one night. He came and we talked about his country and my life on the farm. It was so much fun meeting people from other lands and I think that is where my wander lust was born. 

I keep leaving my story but I want to get back to Munson. This was where I learned to swim or rather where Daddy threw me off the dock and said Swim. lol.  It was in 16 feet of water and off the pier where it used to go up and over then back down onto the main walk across the lake. Only those of you who spent your childhood at Munson will remember this, because they are gone now, and with good reason. I and many others fell on those slides so many times.. When the wood got wet, it was like being on a slippery slope. But we ran, played, climbed, and jumped off that raised area more times than I can count.

 Parents then were aware of their children, but they did not coddle them. We learned by experience. If we slipped, we learned to be cautious. If we fell and got skinned up, we learned to slow down. I don't remember ever telling Daddy if I got hurt. It wasn't until I was about 14 that I really got how dangerous it was to swim at Munson if you were not careful on the scaffolding. 

A middle school boy dove off, hit his head in some way and died. That day is in my memory. It was the day that I stopped getting up on the slippery rail on the top scaffolding to jump off. This experience sobered me a bit and I was not quite as adventurous after that.

 I don't remember his name and I am sad about that because he deserves to be remembered. 

While we were swimming  out to the middle raft, climbing on the scaffolding, rolling on the huge logs in the lake and having the best time of our lives, Daddy was cooking. He would fish lower on the lake and then clean up his catch and fire up his little Coleman stove to cook. That man could make a full course dinner on that thing and it tasted better than any fish  and hushpuppies I have tasted since.

There was always plenty of food to go around and my brothers and sister and I ate til our bellies popped. We had to sit out for a while before we went back in, after we ate, so often we hoped that it would take daddy awhile to get the fish fried up. When he called, we dropped whatever we were doing and went to eat.  There were no questions about coming when Daddy called because we knew the consequences if we did not. We were mindful children. 

After a full day of swimming, eating, and then cleaning up, we started our way home, hoping that it would not rain. If by chance it did, we got soaked on the back of the truck and would shiver our way home. It was a small price to pay for the way we spent our time that day.  

There are so many memories about Munson. I could write about them all week but this was one. The sun shining today reminded me of how excited we would all be on this day long ago. No matter how hard Daddy worked during the week and at home, he always took us swimming on the weekend. He was a good Daddy and  I miss him still.... 

Happy Sunday all. Do something fun today with your children so that one day when they are seniors, they will still smile and remember.. Love to all, Kimmee

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

RV Mouse Hunt. UGH

 Good morning my friends. We had an eventful week. We had a MOUSE in our RV. It's the first time we've encountered this, but we've heard that it's a big problem for boondockers. 

We had never had one before until the horses came to visit and we parked back in the trees, near the barn. 

It liked to scare me to death 2 days ago as it was in the sink. When when I went to rinse my coffee cup, it jumped on my hand trying to get out of the sink. It was scared and I was scared, but I didn't scream, as the girls were sleeping. Lol. I did freak out a lil. 

I had an experience living in upstate NY and I probably won't ever get over that. I wrote about it  in the story called, Mouse Night.

This mouse was caught, then released by my daughter. I knew it was tiny because I had seen it during the week. I'm usually up st night when critters might be crawling, so I saw it first, then it scared Jenny. Wendi wanted to just love it forever. LOL.  Nope!!

There was loads of activity yesterday. Car and craft show, with a live band. I loved sitting out listening and people watching. 

Hope that you all will have a great week. I love you. Always, kimmee.

I attached Mouse Night here in case some haven't read it.

Addendum: there's another mouse caught in the traps this morning. Ugh. I'm praying she ain't a mama or this is going to be mouse night all over again.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Honor Our Veterans

 I have a story to tell this morning. It is of someone that you all don't know but I was privileged to know for a short time.  

I am disturbed by  the stories vilifying Senator John McCain a POW for several years and I am going to tell you some of what he had to endure from the lips of one of my Vietnam Vets. He is no longer with us taken by Pancreatic Cancer,  but he suffered from PTSD so badly that sometimes he would call me in the middle of the night and just have me read to him.. I would tell him. I have the watch and some of you that have had the honor to serve,  will understand what that means. 

He was a kid sent to Vietnam in 1967. It was guerrilla war fare.  Our boys had not seen the likes of what they had to endure there in any other War.  Long bamboo spikes placed into tunnels and holes so that if you stepped on them, they would go into your feet and then the infection you would get from them would likely kill you or you might fall head first into them and the service to your country would be ended. You would be one of the ones coming back to the country in a flag draped coffin or you might be one of the ones who made it out alive to come back to US soil and be spit upon,  like my brother was by the protesters. 

But my guy was captured. He was not a very good War hero according to some,  because he got caught. 

He spent five years in a bamboo cage with other prisoners. Sometimes they were in water up to their waist and the leeches were all over your body, sucking your life's blood from you. Each day someone was "chosen" to be tortured while the others watched helplessly in horror as bamboo sticks were shoved underneath fingernails,  they were hung upside down and ants were applied all over their faces and there were so many other despicable acts done to them daily.  I won't speak of more of them here but I have had Vets talk to me for hours, telling me of the horrors of captivity. 

My friend finally escaped biting through the bamboo cage with his teeth and helping to save others.  When he got home, the welcome was not what he expected. Even all these years later, the nightmares visited him each night and then I met him.  And he told me of his visit to the VA Hospitals to talk with despondent Veterans of Vietnam and other Wars. The ones that wanted to take their own lives to escape the memories. 

He told me that he started by never saying a word. Just removing his shirt so that they could all see where they shoved bamboo stakes into his body to fester into wounds., to see where they tied him to animals that pulled him through the jungle. To see all of the wounds of captivity and he would just stand there in silence, his body speaking for him.  Many of them would weep for what he had suffered but he told them that the will to live was what motivated him to escape and for some of them, it gave them the inspiration they needed,  to do the same.

It is not easy trying to explain what you may or may not have done or said but I know this without a doubt that I would not have been able to walk in my friends shoes nor Mr McCain's nor any other soldier that had the misfortune to be captured. 

God put me in the path of those suffering from Vietnam for a reason and it is heartbreaking  to hear people talk down about someone that has been a prisoner.  

But for the grace of God go I.. 


Please God help us to remember what our boys suffered and are still suffering. Many of them return to us with the War in their heads for the rest of their lives. Many of them can't endure life anymore and end it early. Many of them turn to drugs to help them cope and we all judge something that we have no experience with. 

My friend is gone now, God rest his soul and his mind is at peace but for 40 years he endured the screams in his head. Pray for all of those that have served, that are serving and pray that they come home and that we welcome them in a manner they deserve. It is called Respect and they earned it..  

God bless you all and God help us all.. We need it.. 

Pray for our Nation and its people.  A divided house can not stand nor one built upon sand.... I  Love You, Kimmee

My brother Clif in Vietnam. My sister and nephew have shared photos of him and  as you can see, he is just a boy here  expected to do a mans job... God Bless Him...He looks so old in these photos.

RIP Clifton Levon Peacock

Born Dec 6, 1946  Died May 4, 2021

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Hard Working Parents

 Good morning dear friends. I saw a video this morning where an old man was plowing a field with a mule and plow. 

It took me back to all those times I saw Daddy in the field,  with a rented mule, trying to grow enough food to feed us all. 

We never realize, at the time, all the sacrifices that good parents make for their children.

It was hard, back breaking work,  but I never heard a word of complaint from him. His reward was that he got to do it again the next day. He was providing. 

Now, it seems like all we hear are complaints. 

I wish, for a moment, that all of us could just be thankful for all that we have. 

As the light is breaking day here and the birds are singing in the dark. Let's all be thankful for life and for opportunities that many pray for. 

I'm loving on y'all this morning and hoping that you had a parent willing to sacrifice, so that you could thrive, like I did. 

It may seem hard right now and you may not think you can make it. I'm telling you that you can. Just keep driving and you will arrive. 

I truly love you. Always, kimmee.

The Circus Was In Town

 Good morning, dear friends. The Circus Alegria has been at the fairgrounds this month. They perform three shows per day on the weekends, and it's been so much fun to hear the music. 

I never went to a circus, as a kid, but the Fairs that we used to go see in the early 60s etched scenes upon my brain. 

There were always the bearded lady, snake man, gobs of science experiments in formaldehyde bottles, and other people doing fantastic acts. 

The Circus has a long standing tradition with the Barnum & Bailey one since 1871. I took my kids to it a couple of times, and it seemed like magic 

Nowadays,  I'm really happy that this Circus does not have any exotic animals. 

I love you all so much, and hope that your weekend will be blessed. ♥️šŸ¦‹

Ps. the obligatory picture of my great grandson.  He's just the cutest baby ever.  " Put em up" in my best cowardly lion voice. šŸ¤£

My Heart. My Firstborn Child

Warning LONG.. Happy Birthday darlin on the 9th of June..

My oldest daughter almost did not make it into this world. It was a rough beginning for both of us, especially as she was my first child. 

I was alone in a new city and afraid but my strength came from her need for me and I met it as best I could.  I drove myself to the hospital and I drove my baby and myself back home on the 4th day.  My husband was on a 6 month deployment and I was but one of many,  that were having our babies alone. For many of us, it was a first baby and our first experience in a hospital. 


I remember repeating. "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff comfort me, Over and over as the life slipped away from my daughter.  Her heart sounded like a plop in a bucket as I begged them to take her.  They came into prep me for a C-Section and she crowned so they rushed me to delivery. 

She was born with the cord wrapped around her neck after 21 hours of labor. She was lifeless and did not cry and I said outloud, she is dead.. I was in shock after blood loss and the labor and of going through all of this alone.

I was on a Ward at the Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego with 30 others mothers, 15 of us on each side. She and I survived the delivery,  but I did not know this until 12 hours later when a Captain  came into the hospital and was told that I fainted anytime they tried to get me out of bed.  The last time I had fallen in the bathroom when I was left alone on the toilet and I Hit my head on the way down.  He looked at the white palms of my hands and said this girl needs to have help when she is up.  He asked me what I had delivered and I said, a girl but I don't know if she made it or not. 

 The look he gave the staff would have cut them to the quick if it had been a knife.  He said where is her daughter? They said in the Nicu.. He made them put me in a wheelchair and take me to the nursery where I saw my daughter for the first time without merconium in her mouth and face. She weighed 6 pounds and 9 oz but she looked so tiny with all those monitor lines on her tummy and foot. She was not moving much but she was breathing well and I thought for the first time, she is going to make it and I was so thankful. 

I knew that if  I can only get her home, she will be fine. I tried to get her to eat and the babies had to eat two ounces before they would let you bring them home. Three days later she was only eating an ounce at each feeding so I squeezed the extra formula into the plant in my room and took her home. 

She was everything to me. Any sacrifice, any aloneness that I had ever felt left me when I had Wendi. She was the love of my life and I would do anything to make sure she had what she needed. 

I divorced her father for infidelity and later remarried to a man that loved to travel and surprise us on a weekly basis. He was the best of my husbands and Mary's Dad.  He, Wendi and I went on so many adventures in the 8 years we were together in the years before Mary was born.  Jaunts down to Monterey or up to San Francisco and many trips with the lady I call Mom, Norma Dibbell. She died this year in Jan and I still well up when i think of it. She was Wendi's Grandma in every sense of the word and I am so thankful that we had her all those years. 

We would go on the diving bell and eat homemade Clam Chowder, eat Calamari,  tentacles and all and spend nights sleeping on the beach at Point Reyes after a long day of walking and exploring.  We would always stop at the Cheese factory and buy cheese or just tour the facility and we always left with some Brie, Wendi's favorite. The we would stop in Inverness where the town was full of artists and old hippies and that was just so much fun. They had the best coconut macaroons I have ever tasted and I wish so much that I remembered the name of the company that made them.  Something about Macaroons and artwork that you never forget. lol 

The Climb down to the lighthouse  there would put hair on your chest with its difficulty,  but we did it almost every time we went to Point Reyes. There were trips to Big sur and the Redwoods where the trees are so huge that a car can drive right through any opening in them. 

Yosemite called our name many times . Sometimes we rented a loft cabin and other times we would stay in our custom Van,  but every time was exciting and fun.  One day we came at the right time to see the rock climbers and I remember being so afraid because they were going right up the sheer cliff without ropes. Just climbing like we walk. 

The weekends in San Francisco were among my treasured memories of being with Wendi. She adored Fisherman's Wharf with the Sourdough Bread Company, the tubs of old style favorites in the candy store and the Ripley's Museum. One of her favorites was the  Exploratorium Children's Science Museum. It is a building full of all kinds of Science experiments that are completely safe for your children to roam and play with. I still marvel that children could just walk around in the building and touch anything they wanted too. All of those strange combinations fascinated her quick mind and she wanted to see and know every thing. 


Wendi was my first experience in childhood and we had 11 years to grow up together before I had Mary.She grew and I grew and we were so close. 

  My Nephew Lil Clif came to stay with us for 6 weeks when he was 10 and Wendi was a yr or two younger. He was like her older brother and my son, rather than a nephew during that time and I loved him up as much as I could during that six weeks. We took a trip down the coast to San Diego and stopped off in Solvang, Hollywood where I put my hands in Liberace's and where Phyllis Diller was actually in the wax Museum when we visited. 

 We kept on going to San Diego and was visiting the Natural History Museum in Balboa park when our Van was broken into. The thieves took my husbands camera and all our rolls of film of our trip so all of that week was lost, except in our memories. There are a couple of Polaroids that others took but nothing else and they re-locked our Van when they were done with their thieving.

 San Diego Zoo, the Wild Animal Park and Sea World made memories for Lil Clif and for Wendi. It was just the best 6 weeks of fun and adventure. I think we went to Disneyland too, but my memory is not  bringing that forward this morning. 

It is hard to write about my daughter without writing a book. She is my hero. She had a rough beginning and she has overcome so much to find happiness, a home and family and to be all that she has inside that brilliant mind of hers. 

She's an Artist, a Writer, a Photographer,  a Nurse, A Mother, a Lover of all animals,  and she is my daughter. Nothing in the world can equal what she has brought into my life and continues to give to me every day.  She is my sweet Golden child and  I wish you the happiest of Birthdays.. Love you always, Mom...

QuinceaƱera And Horses

 It was exciting today at the fairgrounds. It was a QuinceaƱera for this beautiful young lady. We've seen several of them this stay,  but this one today was so special with her being photographed on this amazing horse. 

The trainer of the horse posed for a photo for us but we did not know the purpose of the horse at that time. Wendi and I had watched him take the horse through several different routines and were so taken that we had to get a photo. 

Later, we saw the beautiful young lady sitting on the horse. She was just stunning and it was my favorite celebration thus far, although there's a close second. 

Wendi wheeled me around down to the large arena and I was amazed seeing all the cattlemen brands that were prominent in this area in the late 1800s to early 1900s. I was surprised by some of the names but probably shouldn't have been as immigrants have been a huge part of our history for many years. 

I sat on this thinking rock and Wendi took our picture. It was good to be able to get out again. 

I hope that everyone is having a good weekend. Sending lots of love to you all, especially those missing their dads. ❤️

QuinceaƱera And An Emergency At The Fairgrounds

Good morning dear friends. The life flight was here again last night but only stayed long enough to transfer the patient from the ambulance, so I'm hopeful that the person made it.

This was not the case with the experience I am sharing with you today. This happened in May and I'm still shook. 
Warning, this concerns death and may be disturbing to some. 

To say it's been an eventful weekend would be an understatement 
Saturdays festivities are the first two pictures of the beautiful quinceaƱera that took place. This was the rehearsal for the dance and I have a video of them practicing. It was so cute to watch. 

Then this happened. 

Very early this morning I was reading and the girls were awake.  Suddenly about 1 AM, we heard a lot of noise. Engines, whirling, and flashing lights. 
We didn't know what the heck was going on and then we saw a helicopter landing in the field right behind our RV. 
It was a life flight and we knew it was serious. We didn't film anything but the landing, but we couldn't look away from the scene in front of us. 
A Dr from the life flight walked over to the EMS and went inside. A woman came out of the ambulance shortly. She had a blanket around her shoulders and was being comforted. Then the dr came out and said something to the woman. She collapsed, crying on the ground. We all knew that the person in the ambulance didn't make it. 
We all felt so badly for her.
 In a lil while, the drs and EMS came out carrying a gurney to the life flight. There's only one reason for a life flight, after a life has been lost. We knew that the woman had made an impossible decision to donate the organs of her loved one. 
I was tearing up and feeling so badly for the lady.
It brought me back to the decision my family had to make with daddy. We had to discontinue life support after his accident and it's one of the hardest things I've ever done. 

I didn't know if I would post this. I've been praying and thinking on it. But I think that the message is really clear. Life is fleeting. If we find happiness, cherish it. Be kind to our loved ones because they may be gone from us in a nanosecond. This was an accident a lil ways from us,  but we had a field large enough for a helicopter to land. 
I don't know what to say other than I'm praying for that poor lady. She was put in the back of the ambulance after her loved one left. The helicopter, ambulance, fire and rescue, and police left and we were all sad. 
It was a heartbreaking scene. 
I doubt I will sleep. All I can think about is her. I don't know her but I'm praying for her. .
I wanted to tell you all that I love you. Always, kimmee ❤️šŸ™

Facebook Jail Day One

 Hello dear friends. I'm trying to see if I'm out of jail. I wrote a poem for each day I was away.  I love you. Always, kimmee

Here's day one. 

I've been put in the time out corner

They say it's spam. I say misnomer

I can't like or love my dear friends post. 

I hope you all know that I love you the most

The jail isn't bad. I have coffee and a donut close

Trying to keep my spirits up and not be morose 

There's a new movie here that's seems pretty good

I guess Facebook doesn't like it when they saw where I stood 

Just trying to have a voice on the days ahead

Guess I'll spend my time now resting in bed

I had 3 immunizations today. My arms are sore

Please God, I don't want anymore

I can't be that yes man,  watching things crumble

They keep me away long, I may have to rumble

Keep your hands inside folks.Gonna be quite a ride

It's not really too bad thinking as I sit inside. 

They can't keep me forever.  My resolve is strong

I still don't think that I did anything wrong. 

Isn't that what everyone says when they're thrown in jail 

I'll see you when I see you, look for some mail. 

Be bold. Be brave. Stand tall when they call

We'll let them know quickly they won't make us fall

I love you dear friends and I mean every one 

I'll see you soon in the setting sun

Facebook Jail Day Two

 First time I've been put in lockdown in my life 

But facebook has it in for me, much to my strife 

They said you can't say that, so they took a lil bite

 I said whatever happened to my First Amendment right 

That only matters when you're saying what we think or want 

If it's of your own opinion, maybe it's better if you don't 

I still hear the Constitution swirling in my brain 

Over and over that familiar refrain 

Why can some people say what they want every day 

When I tried that, they threw me away 

They don't want to hear that I disagree with them 

I have a different candidate, and it's not a whim

I value democracy and would never see it end 

Yet that's what all the talk is, a change in the land 

Lil red robes for all to wear to match that red hat 

We'll be so matchy matchy that my gay friends will challenge that 

Off will come the red robe and heels of black 

That matches a candidates heart, such a sad sack 

I will not be silenced in this land that I love 

The home of the free and when push comes to shove 

I will state my case as best I can 

Forever resist people. Don't give into the man 

We marched in the 60s, and we can do it again This is not the time to back down or refrain 

Let them hear your voice if you want freedom to ring 

If I'm not allowed to talk, then let them hear me sing 

Don't let the man silence the rights that we keep 

Hard fought by our veterans, from sea to shining sea 

We can't let them win and change all life as we know it 

I used to like red, but now it feels like a black pit 

I'm still going to fight no matter what they say 

It's alright for the other guy, and at the end of the day 

I'd rather go speaking my truth and have the man come for me 

Then sit in my closed room with the curtains drawn to flee 

Be brave, my dear friends, and resist the lies they tell 

Cover your nose to stave off the bad smell 

I hope to be back one moment in time

 I missed the deadline for my prime 

I'm old,I know it, but I still have value 

Maybe before I'm gone for good, a new day will come true

Agricultural Equipment Walk

 Hi, my dear friends. We are all moved over to the Casa de Fruta camp for 3 days and then we go back to our beloved fairgrounds for a few weeks. 

Wendi helped take me around some of the camp and I wanted to share the agriculture equipment. I got to see lots of these things in action while living among the Amish for 20 years. 

I pray protection for the people in Ca who have the fire approaching the same area as it did a few years ago. I think it's burned over 45 thousand acres now 

I hope that everyone will enjoy some blessings today. I feel so blessed to have this experience. I love y'all. Always, Kimmee.