Sunday, December 6, 2020

At My Grandson's house

 Hi dear friends. I'm at Dylan and Megan's for a couple of weeks now and they have the sweetest home. I'm so happy they let the old lady come stay with them for a bit. Lol. There's nothing like being with Grandchildren to make you smile.

I know that times are rough right now. Honestly, there have been a couple of times that I wondered if I'm going to make it this year, but I did and you will too.
The isolation and this virus is taking its toll on people so reach out to friends and let them know how you feel and that you are here for them.. Let's be here for each other as much as we can during this time and remember that each day forward is one day closer to the virus being gone.
I love you all and can't tell you how much you have helped me walk this past year and a half. It is incredible that it has taken so long to feel better. I go to the Dr on Thursday for my follow up and I'm praying that I will be well enough for all stents to be removed. What a blessing that would be.
The picture is the trumpet plant giving us one last hurrah at our old home. Saying goodbye in such a beautiful fashion.
I will try to hang in to the memories from that wonderful place and look forward to making many more amazing ones.
Sending a big hug to anyone that needs one today and always such love from my heart to all of you. It feels like we made it today and I'm thankful. I love you. Always, kimmee
Image may contain: plant, tree, outdoor and nature
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