Wednesday, November 13, 2024

My Brother Ernest

 November 13, 2014

I am honoring my brother this TBT. He is gone now for a few years but he left an indelible dent on my spirit. I wrote this for him when he passed. 

 So many memories of our childhood have found their way to my consciousness. He was 3 years older than me and taught me so many things, like how to make biscuits, how to do the perfect swan dive, (which I could never perfect) , how to ride a bike, then later a motorcycle.

 It is ironic that he loved motorcycles so, and that was what began his demise. I remember when he had his accident and was in a coma for three months, his body broken, his mind gone. My sister and I alternated nights at the hospital so that he would not be alone, if he woke up. He said his first words to me when he came out of the coma. George Wallace was making a run for the presidency and I looked at Ernest and said, "Do you think George Wallace will ever be president?" and he said his first word.. "No".. I repeated the question and he answered again. I ran to get the nurses, as we did not know if he would ever come out of the coma, but he did.

 He over came so much. He was dead on the side of the road when they found him, and the EMT revived him. I am ashamed to say that I have asked God why many times, when his life seemed such a struggle, and then it became clear to me a few days ago.

 My brother was a gift to the world.

In the 37 years since he had his accident, I never saw him any other way than with a smile on his face. When they cut off first one leg and then the other developed problems,  he kept smiling. When he would be sick, he would reassure us that he would be alright. We should have been reassuring him that he would be alright. When he got the first bed sore and had to go to the hospital, he did not complain of pain, he was laughing. When he had to go back for another, he still smiled.

 How can one smile through adversity like that. I think he had to know that to complain would do no good. It would not change his circumstance. He would wake up the next day to the exact same day with the only control that he had, himself, and the way he impacted the world.

 I want to remember the strength that my brother showed the next time I think I am going to complain about my circumstances which mean nothing in the big picture.

 So today, one of gods angels is laid to rest and I cry , but with tears of joy that I knew him and loved him.. Fly away, big brother, be a whole man again, in mind and body, and know that you touched my life in a way that I will never forget... Thank you for being my brother and for letting me be your little sister... Love, Kimmee 

ps.. Just in case you all think he was a saint, this is the same brother that used to stack truck tires around me so that I could not get out for I know that he needed to do this when I would get in his hair. 

He also taught me to make biscuits but I realized later that it was so that he would no longer have to get up at 4 am to make them for Daddy. That fell to me at the age of 8. I laugh at all the memories now and am so thankful to have them:-)


Longest Covered Bridge in The US

November 13, 2020

We have had so many wonderful experiences here in Northeast Alabama. These gently rolling hills and mountains were such a surprise to me and I just love it. 

Yesterday we saw the longest covered bridge in the US at 270 feet long and Wendi and I walked all the way across it. Casey did not want to walk as you could see through the cracks of the wood at the water and ground below but we loved it. The smell of 100 year old wood is so amazing. The swirling clear spring below was just so beautiful. The red Mill is still there reminding us of days long past. 

We have less than a week left here in Arley, Al and I can say that this is a beautiful part of the world and I wish you all could see it with us. 

Jenny went to the waterfall, the only one of us to traverse over the rocks to see it and I was so proud of her for making it.

Some of us are afraid right now. Covid has paralyzed life as we once knew it but I hope that you will find a way to get outside in nature. It's so healing and calming to my spirit and I know that it will calm you too. 

I love y'all with all my heart and am taking each of you with me to see the world we live in. A short week and we will be going toward Texas. I'm enjoying each new day and being with my family while exploring this great country we live in. Yes, a lot of things are wrong about it but yes, a lot of things are right about it . Seek the things that calm you, bring you some sense of peace and nurture all that is good inside each of us. I'm doing just that as we travel and hope that you will too. I love you. Always, Kimmee.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

My DNA cousin Benjamin Franklin

 I've been wondering how Benjamin Franklin and I are kin ever since my DNA was done a few years ago and today with the new app that ancestry calls "We're Related" ,  I found out. 

I am over joyed to know the how of it. 

It is through my paternal Peacock/ Pearson line and we are 5th cousins 7 x removed.... 

Call me tickled!!! 


I have known for sometime through my DNA but I did not know how,  until today.. This is the lineage.. Benjamin Franklin  5th cousin 7 x removed through the Peacock/Pearson lines

Gloria Peacock Kimmel

Elmore Lee Peacock

Lucious LeeRoy Peacock

James Hardy Peacock 

Levi Peacock Jr

Jemima Pearson.. Mother of Levi Jr

Jonathan Pearson

Peter Pearson

Christopher Pearson

Elizabeth Wilson ... Mother of Christopher Pearson

Peter Wilson

Anne Sherman.. Mother of Peter Wilson

Susan Renee Lawrence.. Mother of Anne Sherman

John Lawrence... common Ancestor of myself and Benjamin Franklin.. John Lawrence is my 12th great Grandfather and he is Benjamin Franklin's 5th Great Grandfather. I already had him in my tree. I just did not realize that this was the connection I was seeking.. So thankful to know how..

A Trip to Fairplay SC and The Bear

 Nov 5th, 2020

Hi dear friends, we are on a 3 day trek to Alabama from Northern Virginia and tonight we stopped in Fairplay, SC. How gorgeous it is here and what a great find in this beautiful part of our country. 

Jenny was making us a campfire so we could sit and watch the sunset and this fella  was in the basket of wood left behind. It was there to be put in the fire but when Jenny saw it and showed it to me, we knew this was never going to make the woodpile. 

I love the bear and wish I had Patrice Mayberry's skill to make him into a standing bear. Since I don't,  he will be my mascot and now will travel everywhere we go. 

I hope that everyone is doing alright. I know times seem uncertain right now but be reassured that tomorrow the light will come. We will wake up, take a few deep breaths and do what Americans have been doing for generations, say thanks for a brand new day full of possibilities.. 

I love you all and pray that the rest of your day is blessed. Deep breathe and relax. We got this.  Always, kimmee